Our Expertise
Why JOCA Prioritizes Trauma-Exposed Youth
Medical studies conducted in the last decade consistently reveal the negative, long-term, and complex effects of trauma. Damaging the brain and its neural pathways, it has been identified as one of the leading underlying causes of mental health disorders including anxiety and depression.
Disorders of this type reduce the quality of life of those experiencing them, and for youth and young adults, the probability of engaging in self-destructive behaviors is significantly increased. To proactively redirect the behavior and life trajectories of youth who are trauma-exposed, holistic programs are necessary.
The Jennings O’Neil Career Academy prioritizes the needs of individuals who have experienced childhood trauma and equips them with the knowledge and skills to succeed as productive members of society. Distinctive from our workforce development peers, we proactively seek out youth and young adults who are most at risk and engage them in career exploration and planning activities. Working alongside our community partners, our programs are implemented as a form of early intervention, guiding students as they envision and prepare for their futures.
Childhood trauma and maltreatment have the capacity to disrupt healthy development during adolescence and early adulthood. They additionally put the affected individual at risk for economic difficulties later in life. As a critical component to economic mobility, there must be initiatives in place to promote resilience for persons who have experienced childhood trauma.
Traumatic incidents include, but are not limited to:
Physical, sexual or emotional abuse
Parental separation or divorce
Loss of a loved one
A family member in the home who suffered from addiction, mental health issues, or both.
The primary objective of the Jennings O’Neil Career Academy is to ensure that our programs, with a collaborative team of partners and support services, work to increase a student’s self-esteem and instill a positive sense of self-worth. Evidence suggests this is a viable solution to reduce the poor life outcomes experienced by trauma-exposed youth. Likewise, our program participants have benefitted significantly from this method.
Our Approach
The Jennings O’Neil Career Academy engages youth and young adults in career exploration, life planning, technical education, and personal goal setting. We provide tangible pathways to aspirations as we support students with identifying their strengths, developing their skills, and achieving long-term self-sufficiency.
Our Impact Strategy
We drive impact through strategic partnerships. To ensure the success of our students, collaboration is critical. We strategically employ a communal approach that involves students, guardians, and institutions (i.e., schools, mental health facilities, and courts). Additionally, to increase our impact on a systemic level, we educate and collaborate with employers and policy makers while advocating for opportunities for trauma-exposed and at-risk youth. Collaboration of this sort contributes to the decline of the achievement gap and the rise of economic mobility as pathways to opportunities are created.